Monday, December 3, 2012


I wouldn't know what to do with you, now,
after battling your ghost, a ghost bigger than you,
for four and a half months.
I miss your small and ambling, unassuming frame;
I long for the time when tears were real,
when you were vulnerable, and beautiful.
But now, the waves of your indifference
have washed all of these bones clean,
and we are both jaded by your song and dance.
However much I wished you'd stayed beside me
and worked to prove the words you claimed were true,
you walked away, not even kindly or compassionate,
dropping me like a weight into the ocean,
ignoring that a person was attached, only
scared that it might have been too heavy
for your arms to carry.
Well, now your arms are empty,
and you have drowned me.
Was this the outcome you were hoping for?

1 comment:

babyblueeyed girl said...

this really good and soo powerful and honest