Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Full Stop

It's not with a finger, or a hush, that you silenced me,
but that round dot at the end of your sentence;
thanking me for my kind words, words that pour out
of me into all of these empty, now-full buckets that
overflow off my shelves, my closet, leaking under my bed,
all of these words that run on, and on, and on
until they're met with that one small mark,
that fiendish, abrupt wall to cap the well of my
emotional outbursts; running into that tiny speck,
like a stone, to me a boulder, I know there's no
amount of verbage I can hurl at it to break it -
there are no cracks, that I can see, because
I can't see you, and the only hands I can use to
reach out and shake you and let you know how close
I am and how I'm always here and always will be
even though you threw me away - are my words;
words stopped by a dot, a point; words stopped
so abruptly, so unjustly, yet so fairly, so grammatically,
as if you finally knew how to fight fire with fire
and showed me you knew the right incantation
against my spells of words; the twisting and
chanting and waving of these arms of words
of poems, of verbs, of promises, of heartaches
stopped abruptly by that stone you threw at me
in your last text - and I can't move that stone;
Words can't push back against a full stop;
A full stop is a full stop, and I'll be building up these
words, like towers, behind your back, and hope
that one day you'll turn around and, if nothing else,
acknowledge that these words were even there,
that they were real, and that these towers, these
buckets of words stacked
upon stacked upon stacked upon themselves
may very well soon come crashing down and wash over
me again, and again - but they won't touch you
after you've built that dam, unless you ever lift it;
And even if that is my hope, I can't see you to tell you,
or tell you to see me, because a full stop,
is a full stop, and I've been stopped by the punctuation
you used to battle the words and worlds I
tried to use to snare you,  and now all I have is silence,
and these towers, of words, words, words, falling over,
Weaving back and forth, pushing and pulling,
All to myself...
Full stop.
            ...Don't stop.
                                ...Full stop.
                                                ...Don't stop.

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