Thursday, November 29, 2012

Three Views of a Life Saver

Written 2/14/07 - a creative writing class assignment, beginning with an actual transcribed conversation.

"What are you staring at?"
"A Life Saver."
"I don't know - it's here - "
"And your brain is - ?"
"Why do you think they call them 'Life Savers'?"
"Because they're shaped like - "
"Yeah, but why the candy?"
"I don't know. Why don't you just eat it?"
"Look, a tiny piece broke off."
"I can't see anything."
"On this side here, along the edge, it looks bumpy."
"So, it - "
"There's the piece! Inside the wrapper!"
"That white speck?"
"Why's the wrapper so dusty?"
"It's slowly disintegrating."
"It is not, why is this important?"
"I don't know. It's a life saver, but - "
"But what?"
"I don't know. I guess there isn't anything profound to say."
"I didn't think so."


It was perfect in the sense that it was delicious, and it was his. Every single, solitary, white letter belonged in his twelve-year-old hands. "L-I-F-E-S-" - oh, there's a piece missing, there. That's okay. "A-V-E-" - oh, another dent. Oh, well - "R-S-." He found the tiny piece inside the back of the wrapper and determined to suck every crumb from the bag after he popped it in his mouth. Maybe he'd lick that dust out, too - he knew it was part of the candy, not dust like the dirt in the air was. But he had the candy, and he had it dust and all, no matter what kind of dust it was. He thought of the sweet, minty flavor. Momma gave it to him, after lunch, for "fresh breath," she'd said, but wasn't it candy? He decided not to tell her it was, and smiled at the secret knowledge of the candy he held, the white candy that was his, dust and all. He anticipated the feeling of the candy in his mouth, with its funny, smooth hole. He laughed when he remembered how he liked to make it dance on the tip of his tongue. He would try to make his momma laugh, too.


If my candy was a story,
I wouldn't let it go, or put it in my mouth;
but if I couldn't help it,
I'd try to record every spark of flavor,
and shed real tears
when I let it dissolve.

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